Everyone is excited that our first Garden Railroad Open Day for 2025 will occur at a garden railroad we have never had the opportunity to visit – until now! In fact, this is just one of three new garden railroads featured during our 2025 open day/train run schedule. Let’s celebrate the new year with a visit to the Jackson & Valle Vista Railway!
Tucked in the tiny Valle Vista trailer park is the Jackson and Valle Vista railway. A fictional high desert / Sierra narrow gauge railway built on a low budget consisting of used equipment purchased from other narration railroads. The JVVry has approximately 120 ft of main line “loop”, due to its unique shape it seems larger. The Jackson and Valle Vista railway services McDonough to the north and Jackson to the south as well as points between. Each town has sidings as well as storage track. The railway has four simple bridges and one tunnel. Structures include a handmade two stall engine house, freight house and platform as well as some of the “usual” plastic buildings. You’ll also see a few of the locals out and about. Hope you enjoy!